
Baby Photography Challenges - {3 months old}

This being the first FULL year of my photography business, I suspect that I will be experiencing many firsts. And although I have photographed many babies, I recently had my first 3 month old shoot.

The main challenge with babies is that grow and change so much and at such different rates that one 3 month old may be at a completely different developmental stage than the next. Luckily, flexibility is my nature.

Little Baby Dylan, came to me for his 3 month old session. He flat out refused to smile and I am super suspect that he knew when I was going to rest my arms and pull the camera down because that is when he would break out into a huge grin. No lie - we had six people in the room working him and dancing around like fools hoping to make him laugh on cue. We did manage to sqeeze a few out of him though.

By the end of the shoot we were all exhausted....except for Dylan of course who reportedly by Mom smiled all the way home. Little booger!


Graduation Surprise & Taking Lots of Photos

You really can't fully appreciate the saying "Time Flies" until you become a parent. I have spent the last (almost) 21 years being a mom. And although I am THRILLED that my children have graduated high school and are movin on up,  I felt myself starting to lose it when they played that darn Pomp and Circumstance as my sons class marched into the auditorium last night.

Sometimes I surprise myself though. Many moms cry, obsess and even get depressed about their children growing up but I have never been emotional about things like that. More than once I've offered my support to weepy friends at the kindergarten door and even rolled my eyes at their ridiculousness - but last night was different for me. I literally had to "suck it up" to keep my composure as my youngest baby accepted his diploma. It must be pride that gets me all verklempt. Yeah, that's it.

PLEASE, PLEASE TAKE AS MANY PHOTOS OF YOUR KIDS AS YOU CAN. And remember, the best camera is simply the one you have with you....camera phone, point and shoot or a DSLR. Snap away because you will never gets those days back and you will never regret having too many photos - even if they are not perfect.

And for those special times or anytime you would like professional images of your children give me a call or contact me through my website. I would love to help you remember today.

The pic on the left was snapped of my son at three-years-old by his preschool teacher in class. I love it! The second pic was yesterday.


Pets Like Their Photos Taken, too!

On a recent trip to visit my mom I took the time to take some pics of her three fur babies.  Well, the cats, Babs and Casper are hers and the Newfoundland, Moosey, is a true sidekick to my stepdad. All three animals were rescued either from owners that didn't want them anymore or in Moosey's case, he was found on the side of a Georgia country road, sick with Parvo and left for dead. Really, who does that??

So as it goes, I was happy to be able to provide my mom and stepdad with quality images of their pets, knowing that they will treasure these photos for a very long time. 

For more information about scheduling a pet session or human session visit my website. Thanks.